Another very successful and fun event run by the Mid Coast Sustainability Inc (MCS) committee and members helping to plant the remaining native plants for the Urban Biodiversity Project and build the raised garden beds. We were very lucky with the weather, considering the forecast and enjoyed sunshine for most of the day. Thank you to Seaford Lions for calling in and offering their support. BBQ lunch was enjoyed and an incredible amount of work was achieved in building the start of the raised bed area. Next working bee will hopefully complete the raised beds building and due to their monstrous size we will have machinery to fill all the beds ready for spring planting.
If anyone would like to help again at the next working bee it will be held on Sunday 28 August 10am to 12pm, free lunch and then continue work until about 3-4pm. RSVP via the community garden email advise any dietary requirements. No planting is required, just assembling the pre-cut wood beams together to form the raised beds, stapling the plastic liners and placing cardboard as weed barrier.
A reminder that the raised beds are $80/year plus the $20/year membership, total $100/year. Beds are selling fast now that building has commenced. If you are interested please apply through the website At this stage, payment is not required, however, allocation of beds will be determined by when payment is received. Members will be advised of this process as soon as possible. Feedback on this is welcomed.
The latest Bunnings BBQ was held on Sunday 14 August and was a great success with over $1100 raised which goes directly to items for the garden such as the shed, pergola, tools, fencing etc. not covered by the Green Adelaide Grant and Onkaparinga Council assistance. Next BBQ is Saturday 19 November 2022, put it in your calendar, we’ll be looking for helpers thankyou. Big thank you to our latest round of volunteers.
Recent fundraising has included a whopping $1000 grant from the AWESOME Foundation Adelaide - The Awesome Foundation what a great contribution and will most likely go towards the fence build which is massive.
Thank you to Bunnings Seaford and Wood n' Logs for discounts on soil and the wood for the raised beds.
The fruit orchard area is coming along very nicely with apples, pears, peaches and nectarines planted with a selection of native fruit and nut trees still on the agenda.
You might also have noticed a start to the communal bed area, open to anyone who wants to start planting. We’ve put some planting suggestions on Facebook for winter crops, even though winter is almost over, thank goodness.
GO FOR IT, IT’S YOUR COMMUNITY SPACE, this area will expand at the completion of the raised bed zone.
We’re all very excited about the sudden progress of the garden, after working behind the scenes for over 12 months, to finally be building structures and soon able to plant crops is fantastic and a really great effort from the community. The MCS committee is so grateful to everyone getting involved to build this great resource.
Exciting ideas coming up: gravel pathway around the raised beds, continuing the fencing, building more communal garden spaces, child friendly play spaces and spring planting, planting and more planting.
Hope to see you soon,
Mid Coast Sustainability Inc. Committee
This project was seeded by
