If you have a dream, it's definitely achievable through hard work, through dedication, sacrifice, everything. You don't want to get too wrapped up in that final destination. You want to enjoy the journey, enjoy the process, and just take it one step at a time.
Carli Lloyd - dual Olympic Gold medallist and dual World Cup winner for the US Association Women's Football team
The Grand Garden Opening Day
Our quote above says a lot about the dedication and will to succeed of the team that has been working to bring this project to reality. It takes us back to the time in May 2020 when the seed of an idea for a Seaford Wetlands Community Garden first germinated in Jack Clarke's mind and after months of planning, writing, talking to key stakeholders in the community and forming a committee to take the idea and run with it, he was successful in winning grant funding from Green Adelaide and our journey started in earnest. On Sunday 28th April 2024 we will celebrate the first stage of the journey with a Grand Opening Day and all members and friends are invited to come along and join us. It's not a final destination; we will probably never reach one but it is a significant point in our journey while we take a pause and plan the next steps. Here's what we have planned -

As you can see from our flyer, the day begins at 11am with a Smoking Ceremony by Naomi Hicks and Maureen Humes of A Spirit in Unity. Our Chair Rory Fitzsimons will then introduce Susan Close MP, Deputy Premier of SA and Moira Were AM, Mayor of Onkaparinga to say a few words to mark the occasion and officially open the garden. Local member, Chris Picton MP and Health and Wellbeing Minister will also be in attendance and we are very pleased to welcome Green Adelaide board representatives.
Morning refreshments will be available and we will have a Coffee Cart in attendance.
Following a free nutritious lunch with a BBQ run by Seaford Rotary and entertainment by Willunga Ukes, free workshops for both adults and children will be available (see the flyer above).
Please take careful note of the parking spaces you should use if attending on the day. We particularly ask that you do not use the CFS and Ambulance carpark, Grange Ct, Somerton Ct or the Reserve itself.
Make sure you buy some tickets for our Garden fundraising raffle. Only $1 a ticket (or 6 for $5) and you will have a chance of winning some great prizes while helping us put in place some new facilities in the Garden. Here are the prizes hot off the press -
Grand Opening Raffle Prizes
1st prize Value $140: Perry Nursery voucher, signed copy of Sophie’s Patch gardening book by Sophie Thomson plus packets of locally harvested vegetable, flower or herb seeds
2nd Prize Value $130: Picnic basket with Rubrent’s Café coffee vouchers and Seaford bakery voucher
3rd Prize Value $110: Bunnings and Woolworths vouchers plus packets of locally harvested vegetable, flower or herb seeds
4th Prize Value $90: Bunnings voucher, gardener's notebook and coffee cup and Seaford bakery voucher
5th Prize Value $45: Otto updated diary/notebook, metal pen and candle and packets of locally harvested vegetable, flower or herb seeds
6th Prize Value $40: Children's bubble science kit and books
7th Prize Value $35: Otto gardeners notebook, to do list and Rubrents coffee vouchers and packets of locally harvested vegetable, flower or herb seeds
8th Prize value: $30 Garden trowel and fork, 2 pair garden gloves and packets of locally harvested vegetable, flower or herb seeds
9th Prize value: $30 Star master star projector and 2 story books
10th Prize value: $30 Jumbo creations craft box with 18 marker pens and 2 books
Total prizes $680
Take a look at the Children's garden in the SE corner - great things are happening here thanks to the efforts of Nanny Chrissie and Rory.

Winter is Coming!
Luckily we have lovely dry kindling, neatly cut and just ready to start your slow combustion heater.
Just $10 per 6kg bag.
Buy 4 and get an extra bag free!
Free local delivery
Contact Wayne on the garden email:
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs
Our next Bunnings BBQ will be on Saturday 20th April from 8.30am - 4pm. We usually work in 2 hour shifts.
Please get in touch if you are able to assist on the day. We still have a couple of shifts to fill and this is an easy and fun way to contribute to the facilities in the garden, meet lots of people, sell a few raffle tickets and tell our customers about a great community garden.
Love to hear from you - please email Wayne on the garden email:
The Lakeview Pergola

In February last year we successfully applied for a Community Land and Facility Improvement Grant for $8575 from the City of Onkaparinga Council to construct a pergola overlooking the Seaford wetlands.
A big thank you to the council for their support in this project and many thanks to Rory and Wayne for completing the paving job.

Coming Up in the Garden and Wetlands in 2024
The new greenhouse has been ordered and we expect delivery by the end of April. It will be assembled near the shed close to the Eldercare wall.
Installation of a wash basin near the shed on 19th April
Painting the Children's garden fence this week!
Finish weeding the paths
Develop the grass and weed area along the Eldercare fence into gardens
Extension of the Market Garden area
Continued development of the Native Edibles area
Maintenance and weeding of our fantastic orchard area
Fortnightly Friday morning Social Group - next one Friday 26th April
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs - next one Saturday 20th April
Official Opening Ceremony - Sunday 28th April
This project was seeded by
