Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
Henry Ford 1863 -1947. American Industrialist
Our First Working Bee of 2024
Our first working bee is scheduled for Sunday 25th February (yes, this Sunday!) The photographs below from previous working bees will give you a clue about the areas on which we will be focussing. But before we put you to work, Jennie will be showing us how to go about pruning our fruit trees - spot on timing for most of our stone-fruit trees in the orchard!
10am - 11am. Free Pruning Workshop
11am - 3pm Working Bee including clearing the site for a new greenhouse, laying pavers under the pergola, extending the market garden area and continuing the painting of the fence.
Workers will be sustained by a free vegetarian lunch at 12pm
The committee is mindful that we have quite a few unfinished projects that we would like to advance so that the Garden will look its best for the official opening day on Sunday 28th April. Please come along and help us on Sunday.
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs
Our next Bunnings BBQ will be on Saturday 20th April from 8.30am - 4pm. We usually work in 2 hour shifts.
Many thanks to the members who helped run the last one earlier this month. We sold over 400 sausages on the day and made our best ever profit of $1170.
Please get in touch if you are able to assist on the day. We're looking for order takers, cooks, and servers. It's an easy and fun way to work as a team and meet lots of people, tell them about our great community garden and raise useful funds.
Love to hear from you - please email Wayne on the garden email:
Coming Up in the Garden and Wetlands in 2024
Purchase of a new greenhouse to be built in the raised bed area
Installation of a wash basin near the shed
Paving of the area under the pergola and applying a second coat of stain, adding a table and seats
Finish staining the fence
Finish weeding the paths and spreading yankomite
Develop the grass and weed area along the Eldercare fence into gardens
Extension of the Market Garden area
Continued development of the Native Edibles area
Fortnightly Friday morning Social Group - next one Friday 1st March
Working Bees - next one this Sunday
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs - next one Saturday 20th April
Official Opening Ceremony - Sunday 28th April
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