The Seaford Wetlands Community Garden Snags a Fundraiser!

The Seaford Wetlands Community Garden
Introducing our new name which reflects our dual purpose to create an amazing community garden and enhance the biodiversity of the adjacent wetlands area.
We are excited to tell you that we been offered a fundraiser BBQ at Seaford Bunnings on Sunday 13th February - but we really need your help!
The funds raised from this BBQ will provide essential items not covered by the grant
We are hoping you can spare a couple of hours to help us run the BBQ, we need cooks, servers, greeters - about 4 or 5 volunteers in each shift
If you have family members or friends that would like to come along and help - even better! The BBQ will run from 8.30am - 4.30pm in 2 hour shifts
This will be a great opportunity for you to meet the small group who have been meeting regularly to get the garden started. They are a great bunch of friendly people who have committed their time and energy to help create a wonderful community garden and to encourage biodiversity in the Wetlands area adjacent to the garden
If you can help please send an email with your contact details and BBQ in the subject line and I will call you back to match you with a suitable shift.
Our email is
Meanwhile, dust off those work boots, gardening gloves, aprons, BBQ tongs and trailers - we will be needing them (and you) soon!
This project was seeded by

The Seaford Wetlands Community Garden is seeded by Green Adelaide.
You will find some excellent gardening advice on the Green Adelaide website
and in its newsletter online - just click on the link above for many useful resources.
Our Committee
The committee is Jack Clarke, Kaarin Wilkinson, Nicole Fickling, Tony Watkin, Lisa Schuyler, Zoe Brooks, Owen Symes, Julia Hayden and Wayne Good. If you have any questions or ideas please contact Jack or Nicole via Facebook or our website. The committee will be meeting this week to begin the garden design process.