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Writer's pictureWayne Good

Newsletter #19 | July 2023

May Peace Prevail On Earth

in Lumasaba - Lukoosi lube Mushibala, in Kaurna - Pilyurnirna Yartangka, in Braille, and in English


The Peace Pole movement was started in Japan by the visionary Masahisa Goi. He was deeply moved by the catastrophic devastation caused by the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki instantly killing thousands of local people. In 1955, he began a mission to spread his simple message. This pole is one of over 250,000 planted around the world. Thank you to Rotary Seaford for providing our Peace Pole which you will find adjacent to the new pergola overlooking the wetlands. It has the simple message in Kaurna, Lumasaba, Braille and English. We are planning a ceremony to mark the installation of the Peace Pole with members from Rotary Seaford closer to International Peace Day on 24th September. An appropriate garden will be planted in that area to link the pole with the native edible area.


Membership and Raised Bed Renewal

Members should have received an email with renewal of membership instructions and (if applicable) instructions for the renewal of their Raised Bed Rental. These are both due by 31 July so please check in your Promotions or Spam folders if you haven't seen them yet. The membership fee has been kept at $20 for 1st July 2023 - 30th June 2024 and it covers all of your household members. Register yourself as the Primary member for your household and nominate other members of your household as well if they are likely to attend the Garden at some stage in the future (they will then be covered for insurance purposes). The raised bed rental has been kept at $80/year.

The system for renewals has been set up for online payment this year to simplify the process but if you prefer an alternative method of payment please let the Treasurer know through the Garden email. Once you have registered and paid the fee you will receive a Welcome email and a receipt.

Your fees will be used to maintain and develop individual raised beds and communal plots, add to our planting in and around the garden and help the area grow and develop into a peaceful community area for all.

If you have decided to have a break from the Garden this time - thank you for your help to get this project underway and we hope you can rejoin at some stage in the future. Please let the committee know of your intentions by email, and make sure that your raised bed has been cleared of all of your plants and topped up with fresh compost ready for the next person.


Welcome to our new members!

A very warm welcome to all of our new members for our new gardening year. At present we have 34 members and 15 raised bed holders. If you are reading this and are interested in having a raised bed to grow your own produce it is highly likely some will be available.


The Share stall has been well used this winter with a great supply of lemons, mandarins, oranges and kale. If you are clearing your bed for spring planting please place any excess here so it is not wasted.


Kindling still available for sale

We have a supply of kindling (collected from broken pallets) for sale . The timber is heat treated (no chemicals), nail free, dry, and chopped into thin sticks to get your slow combustion heater started easily. 6kg bags are available at $10 (cheaper than all our major competitors) and all proceeds will go to the community garden. Contact Wayne on the Garden email


Friday Social and Gardening Group All members are very welcome to come along to the social/gardening group that meets in the Garden enclosure on alternate Fridays from 9am-11am - the next meeting is on Friday 4th August. Have a chat over morning tea/coffee, do a bit of gardening, maybe work on a particular project in the Garden. Contact the organiser Mel Styles through the Garden email address below.


Fundraising BBQ - A huge thank you Many thanks to our workers at the Seaford Bunnings BBQ over the past 18 months. They have raised almost $5500 that has been very useful for important additions to the Garden. A huge thank you to Narrah, Dino, Rory, Janine, Ellen, Mel S, Kaarin, Lyn, Jan, Jennie and Wayne for volunteering to help at our last one on Sunday 9th July at Seaford Bunnings.

Many of our members haven't had a go at this yet. We'd love to see you at our next BBQ later in the year - date TBA.


Coming Up in the Garden and Wetlands in 2023

  • Friday morning Social Group - next meeting Friday 4th August 9am-11am

  • Orchard maintenance - you can help at any time - if you have a spare 10 mins why not weed a tree circle?

  • Paths around raised beds, sensory garden, Children's garden

  • Design and development of communal beds

  • New shed, pergola, greenhouse

  • Entrance archway

  • Peace Pole ceremony and native planting by Seaford Rotary

  • Market Garden development 5th and 19th August

  • Wetlands View Pergola - staining timber and paving

  • Natives and native edibles planting


This project was seeded by

Our Committee

Our committee is Rory Fitzsimons (Chair), Kaarin Wilkinson, Jan Brown, Melissa Styles, Jennie Simon and Wayne Good. If you have any questions or ideas please contact us via Facebook, on our website or on the Seaford Wetlands Gardeners WhatsApp chat.

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