Meet the man who started this great project

I'm Jack Clarke and I'm a proud member of the Garden. Living in Seaford I was frustrated by the lack of beautiful outdoor spaces and places to connect with people in my local community that weren't focussed on sport or commerce. So in 2021 I founded the Seaford Wetlands Community Garden & Urban Biodiversity Project. The project grew and gained momentum and after 12 months we had a great committee, a fully funded project and a lease on the land. With the birth of my daughter I wasn't heavily involved throughout 2022 as the garden began construction but I've been blown away by the hard work, dedication and creativity of the wonderful members and committee that have built the space into what it is today. I love the design, the feeling of the place and the community it attracts. I couldn't be more proud of how it's turned out and I'm really looking forward to seeing what's created next! Hope to see you in the garden sometime. Jack
Our community garden is one of the great things to come out of the challenging time that the Covid-19 pandemic brought. We are now following Jack's concept and design closely with a few touches of our own here and there. With typical modesty, Jack fails to mention the huge number of hours he has invested in this project - writing, consulting, applying successfully for the Green Adelaide grant, speaking to politicians, local council, key stakeholders, businesses, schools, community and service clubs. And he is still with us, organising the recent very successful Planting Day in the Seaford Wetlands, drilling 1000+ holes for the natives and sourcing the plants, guards and stakes to give them the best start possible.
Amber and Jasmine painting pet rocks at our recent Garden Social and Wetlands Planting Day on Sunday 28th May. Many thanks to Mel Styles and Janette Brown for catering for the volunteers and for organising all the chidren's activities and a composting workshop for the gardeners.
Membership and Raised Bed Renewal
Members should have received an email with renewal of membership instructions and will get another one soon (if applicable) for the renewal of their Raised Bed Rental - please check in your Promotions or Spam folders if you haven't seen them yet. The membership fee has been kept at $20 for 1st July 2023 - 30th June 2024 and it covers all of the household members. Register yourself as the Primary member for your household and nominate other members of your household as well if they are likely to attend the Garden at some stage in the future (they will then be covered for insurance purposes). The system for renewals has been set up for online payment this year to simplify the process but if you prefer an alternative method of payment please let the Treasurer know through the Garden email. Once you have registered and paid the fee you will receive a Welcome email and a receipt. Your fees will be used to maintain and develop individual raised beds and communal plots, add to our planting in and around the garden and help the area grow and develop into the wonderful community oasis that Jack envisaged 2 years ago.

Kindling for sale
We have a supply of kindling (collected from broken pallets) for sale . The timber is heat treated (no chemicals), nail free, dry, and chopped into thin sticks to get your slow combustion heater started easily.
6kg bags are available at $10 (cheaper than all our major competitors) and all proceeds will go to the community garden. Contact Wayne on the Garden email.
Mud Kitchen Workshop
On Sat 17th June, Rory ran a practical workshop on constructing a children's mud kitchen from pallets, a recycled kitchen sink and a few screws. This has now been situated in the Children's garden at the southern end of the raised bed enclosure. We are hoping he'll also make an adult's one so we get to play with mud too!
Friday Social and Gardening Group All members are very welcome to come along to the social/gardening group that meets in the Garden enclosure on alternate Fridays from 9am-11am - the next meeting is on Friday 7th July. Have a chat over morning tea/coffee, do a bit of gardening, maybe work on a particular project in the Garden. Contact the organiser Mel Styles through the Garden email address below.
Fundraising BBQ - Help required Many thanks to our workers at the Seaford Bunnings BBQ over the past 18 months. They have raised $4500 that has been very useful for important additions to the Garden. A huge thank you to Rory, Janine, Ellen, Mel S, Kaarin, Lyn, Jan, Jennie and Wayne for volunteering to help on Sunday 9th July at Seaford Bunnings. We still have four places to fill and we would love to welcome you to the team. Seaford Bunnings Sunday 9th July - we operate from 8.30am to 4pm in 2 hour shifts. Please email to or SMS Wayne on 0413 440 545 if you would like to help.

Coming Up in the Garden and Wetlands in 2023
Friday morning Social Group - next meeting 7th July 9am-11am
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser - Sunday 9th July
Orchard maintenance
Paths around raised beds, sensory garden, Children's garden
Design and development of communal beds
New shed, pergola, greenhouse
Entrance archway
Installation of Peace Pole by Seaford Rotary
Market Garden development
Wetlands View Pergola - staining timber and paving
Natives and native edibles planting
This project was seeded by
