Here Comes The Sun!
Just back from the UK and during our travels we spotted a number of community gardens and allotments that are part of a long tradition in the UK and Europe. I'm guessing that there is a much longer tradition of indigenous communities growing food in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Americas and through the oceanic nations. The more recent European concept has since traveled to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc as immigrants have brought their traditions to a new home. During times of general poverty due to war, crop failures, economic depression etc the allotments provided a little food security and helped to give struggling families a more balanced diet in hard times. Thankfully, we now have a more secure food supply and we can look to some of the other benefits of community gardening - growing our food fresh, sustainably and without chemicals, with low food miles, exploring an amazing range of different fruits, nuts and vegetables (many we've never heard of) and sharing some of our gardening know-how with our children and grand children and our community. In addition we have much to learn about growing food from our first nation people and this will be one of the focuses of our community garden. After nearly 3 months away it was great to walk through our community garden and marvel at the work and planting that has been accomplished in one difficult year- the fantastic orchard, the start of work on an allotment style area and the start of an irrigation system. Plans also have been approved for constructing a hexagonal pergola overlooking the wetlands area and for sheds in the raised bed area to store tools etc. Sadly, we have been reminded recently that not everyone shares our vision and the garden has been the target of theft and graffiti. The fencing of the raised bed area will hopefully be completed by late November and we are requesting your help with its construction. We need help to break down pallets and attach pickets to the fence. This work will be started in the next few weeks. See below to get involved.
Once completed this area will only be accessible to leaseholders and their families. Meanwhile, stay vigilant and if you notice any damage or theft please let one of the committee know. A huge amount of the work completed so far has been accomplished by several members of the committee with great support from our members and friends for our planting days and raised bed construction working bees. Although we have a grant from Green Adelaide for establishing this garden and replanting the wetlands, it does not cover items such as sheds, fences, pergolas, seats and paving.. For these items we need to raise our own funds and one way we can do this is by running Bunnings BBQ fundraisers. More details are below - please volunteer to help on the BBQ and help us make your garden even more interesting. A reminder that the raised beds are $80/year plus $20/year membership, total $100/year. Leased garden beds are 2.64 m², and leasing includes a soil-filled bed and water for 12 months. Last time I checked there were a few beds still available but be quick!, More details and an application form on our website - apply via our website.
A couple of our raised beds brim full of vegetables and flowers. Great signs guys!
One of our standout constructors! Tony laying the foundations for the garden fence.
Our amazing orchard - open to everyone in the community

The orchard area has expanded with the recent planting of citrus adding to the apples, pears, peaches and nectarines previously planted. A selection of native fruit and nut trees are still on the agenda for future planting. If you have expertise in this area and would like to get involved with looking after the orchard please let us know.
Coming up

Help required to build the fence
We will get started on breaking pallets soon and using the timber as pickets for the fence.
If you would like to help us with this work please drop us an email with your contact details and we will negotiate days and times that suit everyone. The recent graffiti attack and theft of trees from the orchard make this work even more urgent.

Bunnings BBQ Our next Bunnings BBQ fundraiser is on Saturday November 19th at Seaford Rd Bunnings. Sessions are 8.30-10.30, 10.30 - 12.30, 12.30 - 2.30 and 2.30 - 4.30. Please contact Wayne on 0413 440 545 or email us if you can help. The funds we raise from the BBQ goes directly to help with infrastructure not covered by the grant such as fencing and sheds.
This project was seeded by
